Special Offers

We offer a range of discounts for different user groups

Student Discount

We offer a 30% discount for full-time students to help them study and explore better. Learn more

Competitor User Discount

If you are a user of our competitors, we offer a 30% discount to help you switch to our product easily. Apply for discount

Open Source Contributor Discount

For those who contribute to the open source community, we offer a 10% discount to express our gratitude. Apply for discount

Content Creator Collaboration Discount

If you are a content creator and plan to create content related to CleanClip, we are willing to provide exclusive discount codes to enhance the influence of content promotion. Cooperation email: [email protected].

Ordinary People in War Zones

For ordinary people living in war zones, we offer a 55% special discount to express our care and support. Register your location

Last Updated: 2/1/2025, 2:53:51 AM