# Network Endpoints
Important: CleanClip takes your privacy seriously. All clipboard data is stored locally on your device only. If you choose to enable iCloud sync, your data will be synced through your personal iCloud account. We do not upload any clipboard data to any other servers.
# Network Endpoints
CleanClip connects to the following domains for various functionalities:
# Analytics & Crash Reporting
- crashlyticsreports-pa.googleapis.com
- firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com
- firebase-settings.crashlytics.com
- app-measurement.com
- firebaseinstallations.googleapis.com
These domains belong to Google Firebase services and are used for collecting crash reports and basic usage analytics to help improve app stability and performance.
# License Verification
- cleanclip.macaify.com
This domain is used for verifying CleanClip membership privileges and license status.
# Updates & Distribution
- github-api-proxy.cleanclip.cc
- objects.githubusercontent.com
- github.com
- github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com
These domains are used for checking and downloading application updates.
# Affiliate Services
- api.cleanclip.cc
This domain handles affiliate program operations including:
- Affiliate link generation
- Retrieving affiliate information
Note: Retrieving affiliate information is only available when accessing the affiliate page.
Note: As the application evolves, the network endpoints listed in this document may not be up to date. If you notice any network requests not declared here, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for clarification.