# CleanClip Roadmap

Our vision and ideas for CleanClip.

# In Progress 🕙

# Optimization Phase

  • Synchronize MainWindow and Quick Menu functions
  • Fix some critical bugs
  • Enhancements and bug fixes for FCP
  • Rewrite settings
  • Custom text processing scripts
  • Paste queue/main window content synchronization

# Planned 📅

# TouchBar Support

📅 Release Date

  • To be determined

🔧 Features

  • Display copy records on TouchBar By combining "Follow frontmost app" mode or lists, specific content can be automatically displayed in a designated app. For example, show saved templates automatically when Final Cut Pro is opened, display a color palette when Photoshop is opened, or show commonly used URLs when a browser is opened.

# Plugin Capability

📅 Release Date

  • To be determined

🔧 Features

  • Plugin capability will be open to developers. This capability allows capable developers to develop specific preprocessing and post-processing capabilities for each record. For example:
  • Add parsing capabilities for private data of specific apps
  • Add markdown conversion capabilities for text/URLs
  • Add compression capabilities for images

# iCloud Sync 📅

📅 Launch Date

  • To be determined

🔧 Functionality

  • Support multi-device history record sync via iCloud

# Copy Stack

📅 Launch Date

  • To be determined

🔧 Functionality

  • Support a copy stack, allowing users to continuously paste and pop off recently copied content by pressing CMD + V

# iOS Version

📅 Launch Date

  • To be determined

🔧 Functionality

  • Support record sharing between Mac and mobile devices

# Web Source

📅 Launch Date

  • To be determined

🔧 Functionality

  • Specify the source down to a specific webpage

# Completed ✅

# Phase One: Basic Features ✅

📅 Launch Date

  • 19th August 2023

🔧 Features

  • Shortcut to access history records
  • Follows input cursor position

# Phase Two: Efficient Search ✅

📅 Launch Date

  • 27th August 2023

🔧 Features

  • Quickly search through more history records 📝
  • Support for Pinyin search

# Phase Three: Various Formats like Images, Files ✅

📅 Launch Date

  • 4th September 2023

🔧 Features

  • Support for images, file formats

# Phase Four: Paste Queue ✅

📅 Launch Date

  • 9th November 2023

🔧 Features

  • Copy consecutive content into a queue, using CMD+V will paste in sequence

# Phase Five: Enhanced Management Features

📅 Launch Date

  • 19th November 2023

🔧 Features

  • Major Feature One: Favorites and smart lists! Intelligently manage, browse, and use your history records.
  • Major Feature Two: Drag and drop! All content is draggable! Use records more efficiently! Friendly to content collectors and creators.
  • Major Feature Three: Professional functions! Regex filtering → sed script processing, solving complex workflow scenarios. (Moved to the next phase)
Last Updated: 6/30/2024, 10:50:45 AM